Friday, December 25, 2020

The town of Karanog

Karanog, a provincial capital of the Meroitic kingdom during the 2nd centuries A.D. Lower Nubia is the portion of the Nile Valley between the first Cataract near Aswan in Egypt and the Second Cataract near Wadi Haifa in the Sudan.

The town of Karanog lay on the west bank some three miles upstream from Korosko in the great bend of the river between Korosko and Dirr.

The town, which was of comparatively small area and unwalled, Karanog was excavated by L. Woolley and D. Randall-MacIver at the beginning of the 20th century. A total of 10 buildings were revealed, all of which were located on the lower ground near the Nile, with the best preserved one being the socalled "Castle"

Archaeologists discovered two structures in Meroitic archaeology. Each of these structures was a palace used by the peshtos, or governors, of Meroitic Lower Nubia.
The town of Karanog

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